Friday, April 1, 2011

Cleaning Day

Well, today was pretty productive. On Thursdays, Jason's mom (Ally's JuJu) picks Ally up and takes her for the day. And since the baby still takes decent naps, I am able to clean the house. I really got a lot done today, which is good, because the house needed it BAD! And when Jason got home, we all went grocery shopping as a family.

All in all, it was a pretty boring day! But boring is okay with me once in a while.

Saturday is mine and Jason's date night! We don't get to stay out past seven, because we have to pick Evan up. (I feel weird having him spend the night anywhere else just yet.) Usually we just go out to dinner, and then do some sort of errand before getting Evan. I have no idea what we are doing this time though. But I am thankful for our one on one time together. We only go out every other weekend. So I treasure date nights. And once Evan is sleeping a little better, we'll actually get to stay out later, and sleep in on the weekends. That will be nice! But probably a little hard too, since I've never spent the night without my baby.

Today, was day one of calorie counting. I absolutely hate having to watch what I eat, but I hate feeling fat even more. So, it will definitely be worth it when I start losing some weight. I use a free app. on my phone that counts calories. It's really nice, because it actually makes me realize what I'm eating. A lot of times I'm surprised at how bad some things are. Hopefully, I'm close to my goal by June/July. I just have to stay on track!!

I cannot wait to get my laptop back so I can start posting pictures! 'night!

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