Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Feeling Accomplished... Sort of...

Well, after days of searching for the perfect deal for our Vegas wedding stay, we finally found where we are going to be living for five days and four nights! Jason is in the process of booking a two bedroom suite at PH Towers. It is phenomenal! I'm super excited.

I'm glad to end such a crappy day with this fun event! Because this morning and today were terrible. Jason and I both caught Evan's cold (which he did end up catching from Ally) So, we have both had an extreme lack of energy and have been trying to deal with a crabby baby. I'm not sure if Evan is getting a tooth, or is still feeling sick, but he has just not been his happy self lately.

Well, I'm hoping that we all feel better tomorrow. And I'm also hoping that we can book our wedding by the weekend. Wish us luck! :)

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