Saturday, April 2, 2011

In God's hands

Today was a great Friday! The kids were both so good all day. When Jason got home, we all went to the mall to get Evan some summer clothes, and just hang out. There is a cute train there that gives rides around the mall for $3 a person. Ally absolutely loved it! I took a picture with my camera phone, but I won't be able to post it until I get my new computer cord.

Evan was such a good baby while we were there. He just looked around, babbled, and smiled the whole time. I think I jinxed things though, because I made a comment to Jason about it, and unfortunately, he wasn't so good tonight. Well, let me rephrase that. He was very good, he just didn't want to sleep! So, it's 10:30, and Jason and I didn't get to watch the movie we were hoping to see. It was frustrating, but I just try to remind myself that there are people out there who can't have, or have lost children, and would do anything to be in my position. I really am blessed to have two healthy, beautiful children, and sometimes after a long hard day, I just need to remind myself of that.

I actually started this blog after I came across Kellie Staats' blog. For those who haven't heard her tragic story, she's a mama who lost her baby to SIDS, a few months ago. I cannot, nor do I want to imagine the pain that Kellie must be going through. I have cried so many times after reading her blog. It has actually made me a better mother though. I hug and kiss both of my kids even more than I did before. And I try not to let the little things bother me. When I first read Kellie's blog, I become so anxious about Evan, since he is only a few weeks younger than her sweet baby Maddie. It got to the point where I was waking up panicky in the middle of the night to touch his chest and feel for breathing. I finally just told myself, that I have to do everything I can to keep him safe, and after that, it's in God's hands. It's good to be aware, but it's not healthy to do what I was doing. Anyway, if you are interested in reading Kellie's story, you can find it here:

Another Day Stronger

Wow, this post has ended up longer than I anticipated, especially since I'm still typing on my Ipad. So, I suppose I will call it a night! See ya ;)

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