Friday, April 1, 2011

Hunt and peck

So... My charger for my laptop went bad. That means that I have to blog on the Ipad until my new charger arrives in the mail. And that means that until then, my posts will be VERY short, since I'm not a fan of "hunt and peck" or the Ipad's automatic spell corrector.

Well... It's almost April, and it's (gasp) SNOWING!! That makes me so very sad. And sick. I know that winters are bad in Ohio. I went all winter without complaining. But now, I just can't handle it anymore. Like seriously.

Ok. I promised that I would keep my complaining to a minimum. So, I will talk about something good now. I started working out for the first time in a year!! I only did 15 minutes on the elliptical, and a tiny tricep workout. But it felt so good to get back in the gym!! I am 20lbs. heavier than I was when I got pregnant with Ally, and now that I'm done having kids, I really need to get my body back. So, today was my first day, and I'm so proud of myself! It was not easy to convince Jason to give me three hours a week, while he watches the kids... But a mama needs that time!!

Well, I've had enough one finger typing so... Goodnight! :)

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