Thursday, April 21, 2011

Just Like Old Times

Today Ally and I had a girls' day. We hit all of our favorite spots: Chick-fil-a for lunch, Panera for M&M cookies, and the Party Store for a "Thomas" balloon. It felt just like old times!

Over the summer, while I was still pregnant with Evan, Ally and I used to go somewhere almost every day. And Target and Chick-fil-a were our favorites. Since Evan has been born, it's been hard for us to spend any one on one time together, and we stay home pretty much every day. I hear myself telling her "Just a minute," or "Quiet, your brother is sleeping!" constantly, and it makes me feel so bad. So today, I had JuJu watch Evan, and Ally and I spent a wonderful afternoon together.

But even though I had a fun day with Ally, another part of me feels so blah today. Evan has been having trouble sleeping the past few nights. I think it's because he's still getting over his cold. He rubs his ear when he falls alseep, and I know that could be a sign of an ear infection, but he's been doing that since he was born. (And his ears are always fine at his check-ups) Other than that, he acts fine during the day... just tired, and that's because he's not sleeping much at night. I decided that if tonight is another bad night, it definitely will be time to take him to the doctor. I hope my poor baby is okay!

But back to feeling blah. I feel like I have a hangover. I haven't had a single drop of alcohol to drink in weeks, but that's how I feel. I have this sinus headache, and my whole body feels tired. Plus, I'm exhausted from trying to push Jason to pay a little extra for the wedding package that I want. He is insistant that we should save money on a less expensive package, and I am just so in love with this beautiful outdoor waterfall location. But he just won't budge. If I was still working, there would be no question about it, I would just pay for the package. But I am staying home with the kids, and I just don't have the money to do that. So I have to try to convince the most frugal human being on earth to spend a little more. And it makes me sad, because I feel like he should care a lot more about our wedding than he does. He doesn't even realize how much we are saving by getting married in Vegas instead of at home. He HAS the money saved, he just doesn't want to spend it because it's for when our house sells. (It's been listed for two years, and I feel it will NEVER sell anyway, but that's a whole other story...)

Hopefully I shake this feeling soon. I'm sure if I could finally get rid of this cold, I would be doing a lot better. But I think you need sleep for that, and Evan is just not allowing that to happen. Oh well, I will try not to complain about my lack of sleep. He is a sweetheart, and I should remind myself that one day he will be older and I will be up with worry wondering where he is, and what he's doing. So, I should enjoy my children while they're little, and I should cuddle them up whenever I get the chance, whether it be 2pm or 2am.

Well, that's enough for now... I better go finish up my Thursday cleaning.

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