Saturday, April 30, 2011

Mixed Emotions

Well, today was a very emotional day. I wish I could go into detail about why, but if certain people do ever come across my blog, it would get other people in trouble. And I really don't want/need that! But I am being put in an uncomfortable situation (through nobody's fault) and I've cried quite a bit today.

But what I can talk about on here, and what has made me very happy today... I GOT MY DRESS!! It is beautiful. I found it online and went (by myself!) into the store to try it on, and instantly got that feeling I was looking for! It wasn't the dress at Demetrios, but it is similar, and even prettier. And it's less expensive than the one at Demetrios! :)

I was embarassed to go by myself, but I decided to do it last minute, and couldn't get a hold of anyone, so I just went. I gave the woman at the counter the code for the dress, and she let me know that they had it. So, I went in the dressing room to put it on, came out, and saw a WOW look on her face. Now, I know she's a sale's person and would probably say anything to make a sale, but I genuinely think she liked it. And, when she went in the back to get a veil for me to try on, several people walked by and told me how beautiful they thought it was. I felt so elegant and classy in that dress, and did not want to take it off!! It will arrive in June and I will be going in July to get alterations. And that's one more thing off my list!

Well, I'm supposed to be doing work for Jason's dad to help him with some research. So, see ya!

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