Monday, April 11, 2011

Love and Marriage

Wow, I haven't really been doing a good job of posting lately. I guess it's because I've just been busy. Ally was sick today, and she does not handle sickness very well. Luckily, it's only a cold, so it's not as bad as it could be. When she's really sick, like she was last time with the flu, she just sits on the couch and cries. And when that happens, there is no reasoning with her, no bargaining with her, and no distracting her. She just sits there and throws a fit, making herself even sicker, all the while. But, like I said, she wasn't too bad today. Hopefully she's better by tomorrow!

I'm also hoping nobody else gets it. Especially Evan. So far... so good... but I know we're not in the clear! I got him to crack up laughing a few times today. It was really cute!! He started belly laughing at about 3 and a half months old. Which I think is very early to do! I've been trying to get it on tape, but usually I have no luck. Once he spots a camera he just stops what he's doing and stares. I just got the tail end of his sweet laugh today, but I'm glad I got something! Nothing beats the sound of a baby's laugh!!!

So, Jason and I are trying to decide whether we should plan a vacation to Vegas this September. We were also thinking about getting married there. We don't want a cheesy Vegas chapel wedding, but were thinking about a classy resort option. We didn't want to make it into anything huge, just close friends. But unfortunately, it doesn't seem like anyone can make it. Now we are trying to decide if it's worth it to do it at all. It's just hard, because we're trying to sell our house, and we have two kids, and we have to pay for the wedding ourselves. This is why people wait until after they're married to do these things! Now it seems like a wedding will never happen for us :(

I keep thinking of the Frank Sinatra song..."Love and marriage. Love and marriage. They go together like a horse and carriage..." Err maybe not in this case. Maybe it's just "love and engagement and kids"

I guess I just have to pray that things will work out the way they're supposed to, and see where things go...

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