Sunday, April 3, 2011


Well, date night didn't work out yesterday. Ally wouldn't take a nap, so we decided to keep her at home. I was bummed! We did let Evan have his first sleepover at JuJu's and Pops's house though. He did great! But I missed him SO much, and I was so excited to see him this morning!

When we came to pick Ev up this morning, we dropped Ally off, and J and P took her to Chucky Cheese. When Evan wakes up from his nap, we'll all head over for Sunday dinner. I LOVE Sunday dinners. It's nice to catch up with everyone, and relax a bit.

So... I want to talk a little bit about "signs." I'm not the most religious person in the world, but I do believe in God, and I pray every night. Church is something that I want to get involved in soon, especially for the kids' sake, but just haven't yet. Anyway, yesterday, I was mad at Ally for not napping. I was angry that I wouldn't get my date night that I looked so forward to. Jason knew I was mad, so he took Ally to Target, and I went to Chipotle to get dinner for us. (not good for my diet, I know!) Well, on my way home from getting the food, I turn the radio on, and out blasts "Sweet Child 'o Mine." I put this song in Ally's one year slideshow, so hearing it just made me more mad. So, I turn the station. Next I hear "Isn't She Lovely."... Another song in her slideshow that also reminds me of her! At that point, I realized that someone was trying to tell me something. And I know who he was, and what he was telling me...

Yesterday would have been my grandpa's 91st birthday, but he passed away two years ago. I was thinking about him in the morning, after I realized what the date was. I think Grandpa was telling me, through the radio, not to be so immature. He was telling me how dumb it is to get mad at a three year old for not napping. He was reminding me about what I just wrote in my previous blog, about not letting the "little things" get to me. Well, point taken Grandpa!
Thank you for reaching out to me! I needed that! :)

I love "signs." and I usually find them in music. I told Jason that when I die, he can talk to me through the radio. I told him to turn it on, and ask questions, and I'll answer... Unless he goes before me, and then he said he'll do it. This sounds weird, and a little looney I know. But it brings me comfort!

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