Tuesday, March 29, 2011


As I mentioned yesterday, I am going to brag about my beautiful little girl today!  Her name is Allyson, but we call her Ally.  She just turned three last week, which is SO hard for me to believe!  (Time flies when you have kids!)  Ally is extremely artistic, and has been drawing recognizable objects since she was two and a half.  And she is SO emotional.  If she isn't eating something, and you tell her that her food is sad, she will actually start crying.  (needless to say, we've found other ways to get her to eat her peas!)  She loves all things Dr. Suess related, and like most three year olds, she has a BIG imagition.  Well, here's my girl:




(This was taken at her birthday party. I love her new short 'do!)

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