Monday, March 28, 2011

Catching up on ZzzZ's and Sweet Evan

Girls' night out really caught up with me today...  Since the band played late that night, I got home late, went to bed late, and today I was just exhausted!  Sometimes going out isn't even worth it when you have kids.   It's not like a job where you get off at a certain time, and can go home to catch up on your rest.  You have your kids 24/7, and they decide when you wake up every day.  But, I got lucky, because Evan and Ally both decided to nap at the same time, giving me an hour and a half to catch up on that much needed rest.  Now I'm about 90% normal, which is good for me! :) 

I just wanted to share some pics of my sweet little Evan today.  He'll be 5 months old on April 7th, and these are the pictures I took when he turned 4 months old.  He is a wonderful baby, and so happy most of the time!  His favorite place to be is in his jumperoo, and he LOVES to watch Spongebob.  Every time it's on  TV, he stops what he's doing to watch! He wakes up in the morning, and from his naps with the sweetest little smile on his face, and he only cries when he REALLY needs something!  Such a sweetheart!





Tomorrow I'll show off my pretty little lady, Ally! :)

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