Saturday, April 30, 2011

Mixed Emotions

Well, today was a very emotional day. I wish I could go into detail about why, but if certain people do ever come across my blog, it would get other people in trouble. And I really don't want/need that! But I am being put in an uncomfortable situation (through nobody's fault) and I've cried quite a bit today.

But what I can talk about on here, and what has made me very happy today... I GOT MY DRESS!! It is beautiful. I found it online and went (by myself!) into the store to try it on, and instantly got that feeling I was looking for! It wasn't the dress at Demetrios, but it is similar, and even prettier. And it's less expensive than the one at Demetrios! :)

I was embarassed to go by myself, but I decided to do it last minute, and couldn't get a hold of anyone, so I just went. I gave the woman at the counter the code for the dress, and she let me know that they had it. So, I went in the dressing room to put it on, came out, and saw a WOW look on her face. Now, I know she's a sale's person and would probably say anything to make a sale, but I genuinely think she liked it. And, when she went in the back to get a veil for me to try on, several people walked by and told me how beautiful they thought it was. I felt so elegant and classy in that dress, and did not want to take it off!! It will arrive in June and I will be going in July to get alterations. And that's one more thing off my list!

Well, I'm supposed to be doing work for Jason's dad to help him with some research. So, see ya!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Elegant, Feminine, Classy

I've been going crazy trying to figure out what wedding dress I want to wear. I have to hurry, because if I order a dress now, it will come in at the end of July, beginning of August! Yikes! The good news is, I think I finally know which dress I want!! I went with Jason's mom yesterday and tried on more dresses and I kept comparing all of them to one of the dresses I tried on at Dometrios. So I knew that was the one!!! I would love to post a picture of it, but I don't want Jason to see it! ;) I do, however, want to post pictures of earrings, shoes, and hair that I'm currently diggin'. I want my bridal look to be elegant, feminine, and classy. But I also like simple pieces, with one or two defining details to make it stand out. So these are some of my ideas at the moment:

(I originally wanted to wear my hair half-up and curly, but the dress I want has a beautiful back, and I don't want my hair to cover it. So, I think this would be soft, and pretty.)

(I LOVE these shoes! I am obsessed with bows on shoes, and these have that, plus they have rhinestones which will tie together nicely with the detailing on my dress! They're by Martinez Valero, and they come in white or ivory)

So, that's what I've been focusing on for the past few days! I just want everything planned now, so I can relax and look forward to our wedding vacation!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Mother Quotes

I'm working on a surprise mother's day gift for Jason's mom. Yes, Jason's mom. Not mine, and I will explain that situation some other time. Anyway, I've found some cute quotes about mothers that I want to share.

"She never quite leaves her children at home, even when she doesn't take them along." ~Margaret Culkin Banning
(This is how I feel about my kids!)

"Biology is the least of what makes someone a mother." ~Oprah Winfrey
(How I feel about my mother)

"A mother is a person who seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people, promptly announces she never did care for pie." ~Tenneva Jordan

"There is no influence so powerful as that of the mother." -Sarah Josepha Hale
(This is very true!)

"The joys of motherhood are never fully experienced until the children are in bed." -Author Unknown
(So funny, but I think this every night when I try so hard to get the kids to bed, and then when they're finally sleeping, I want to wake them because I miss them!)

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Spring Saturday

I went dress shopping with Brittany last night. I found two that I really love, but am so confused about which one I like more. I still want to go to at least one other place to check some more out, so maybe I will fall madly in love with one somewhere else, and I won't be confused anymore!

It's actually somewhat warm today! Jason worked this morning, and Evan stayed over JuJu's and PopPop's house last night. So Ally and I went for a walk to enjoy the nice weather this morning. Of course I took a lot of pictures! Here are a few:

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Just Like Old Times

Today Ally and I had a girls' day. We hit all of our favorite spots: Chick-fil-a for lunch, Panera for M&M cookies, and the Party Store for a "Thomas" balloon. It felt just like old times!

Over the summer, while I was still pregnant with Evan, Ally and I used to go somewhere almost every day. And Target and Chick-fil-a were our favorites. Since Evan has been born, it's been hard for us to spend any one on one time together, and we stay home pretty much every day. I hear myself telling her "Just a minute," or "Quiet, your brother is sleeping!" constantly, and it makes me feel so bad. So today, I had JuJu watch Evan, and Ally and I spent a wonderful afternoon together.

But even though I had a fun day with Ally, another part of me feels so blah today. Evan has been having trouble sleeping the past few nights. I think it's because he's still getting over his cold. He rubs his ear when he falls alseep, and I know that could be a sign of an ear infection, but he's been doing that since he was born. (And his ears are always fine at his check-ups) Other than that, he acts fine during the day... just tired, and that's because he's not sleeping much at night. I decided that if tonight is another bad night, it definitely will be time to take him to the doctor. I hope my poor baby is okay!

But back to feeling blah. I feel like I have a hangover. I haven't had a single drop of alcohol to drink in weeks, but that's how I feel. I have this sinus headache, and my whole body feels tired. Plus, I'm exhausted from trying to push Jason to pay a little extra for the wedding package that I want. He is insistant that we should save money on a less expensive package, and I am just so in love with this beautiful outdoor waterfall location. But he just won't budge. If I was still working, there would be no question about it, I would just pay for the package. But I am staying home with the kids, and I just don't have the money to do that. So I have to try to convince the most frugal human being on earth to spend a little more. And it makes me sad, because I feel like he should care a lot more about our wedding than he does. He doesn't even realize how much we are saving by getting married in Vegas instead of at home. He HAS the money saved, he just doesn't want to spend it because it's for when our house sells. (It's been listed for two years, and I feel it will NEVER sell anyway, but that's a whole other story...)

Hopefully I shake this feeling soon. I'm sure if I could finally get rid of this cold, I would be doing a lot better. But I think you need sleep for that, and Evan is just not allowing that to happen. Oh well, I will try not to complain about my lack of sleep. He is a sweetheart, and I should remind myself that one day he will be older and I will be up with worry wondering where he is, and what he's doing. So, I should enjoy my children while they're little, and I should cuddle them up whenever I get the chance, whether it be 2pm or 2am.

Well, that's enough for now... I better go finish up my Thursday cleaning.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Feeling Accomplished... Sort of...

Well, after days of searching for the perfect deal for our Vegas wedding stay, we finally found where we are going to be living for five days and four nights! Jason is in the process of booking a two bedroom suite at PH Towers. It is phenomenal! I'm super excited.

I'm glad to end such a crappy day with this fun event! Because this morning and today were terrible. Jason and I both caught Evan's cold (which he did end up catching from Ally) So, we have both had an extreme lack of energy and have been trying to deal with a crabby baby. I'm not sure if Evan is getting a tooth, or is still feeling sick, but he has just not been his happy self lately.

Well, I'm hoping that we all feel better tomorrow. And I'm also hoping that we can book our wedding by the weekend. Wish us luck! :)

Sunday, April 17, 2011


I've been slacking on my blog lately. I've just been so busy trying to get this wedding planning going. I'm stressed because we are paying for the whole thing ourselves, and we are working with a very small budget. But our guests are going to be investing a lot of their own money by going, so we have offered to help them by paying for their rooms. Of course, there are so many other things we have to pay for like:

wedding favors, our flights, our rings, my dress, a cake, my hair and makeup, reception dinner, and I am ordering itineraries and announcements. Oh, and I almost forgot, we have to pay for the wedding package itself! Not to mention, we need to set aside money for food and gambling. Suddenly, this inexpensive destination wedding is not so inexpensive at all!

We also made it hard on ourselves, because we are scheduling it for the week of August 22nd. So that gives us 4 months! What have I gotten myself into?! And we haven't even booked anything yet!! I have e-mailed a laundry list of questions to our wedding coordinator. But that was late last night. So hopefully she gets right back to me tomorrow, and we can book the wedding, our rooms, and our flights by the end of the week!! Ambitious, I know... but once these things are done I will feel SO much better!!

I also am going to schedule an appointment for Friday afternoon to go dress shopping with my friend Brittany! I am extremely excited about that. But I'm really hoping I find something right away. And more importantly, I hope it doesn't cost an arm and a leg! I just know myself... I'm not the type to buy something just because it's expensive, but I am the type to pay any amount for something once I've fallen in love with it.

Well, I'm going to end this with some pictures... because pictures make blogs fun! :)

This was Jason and I at a friend's wedding in 2005... just two months after we met!

This was us on our way home from another friend's out of town wedding in 2006.

This was September 7, 2009... Jason proposed to me in front of the Bellagio fountain. The Frank Sinatra song "Luck Be a Lady" was playing... Oh this picture makes me forget about the stress of planning and makes me excited for our Vegas wedding.

Friday, April 15, 2011

E-mealz Giveaway

Kellie Staats is having a giveaway today. Two winners will be selected to receive a free three months subscription to e-mealz... Head on over to her blog to check it out!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Love and Marriage

Wow, I haven't really been doing a good job of posting lately. I guess it's because I've just been busy. Ally was sick today, and she does not handle sickness very well. Luckily, it's only a cold, so it's not as bad as it could be. When she's really sick, like she was last time with the flu, she just sits on the couch and cries. And when that happens, there is no reasoning with her, no bargaining with her, and no distracting her. She just sits there and throws a fit, making herself even sicker, all the while. But, like I said, she wasn't too bad today. Hopefully she's better by tomorrow!

I'm also hoping nobody else gets it. Especially Evan. So far... so good... but I know we're not in the clear! I got him to crack up laughing a few times today. It was really cute!! He started belly laughing at about 3 and a half months old. Which I think is very early to do! I've been trying to get it on tape, but usually I have no luck. Once he spots a camera he just stops what he's doing and stares. I just got the tail end of his sweet laugh today, but I'm glad I got something! Nothing beats the sound of a baby's laugh!!!

So, Jason and I are trying to decide whether we should plan a vacation to Vegas this September. We were also thinking about getting married there. We don't want a cheesy Vegas chapel wedding, but were thinking about a classy resort option. We didn't want to make it into anything huge, just close friends. But unfortunately, it doesn't seem like anyone can make it. Now we are trying to decide if it's worth it to do it at all. It's just hard, because we're trying to sell our house, and we have two kids, and we have to pay for the wedding ourselves. This is why people wait until after they're married to do these things! Now it seems like a wedding will never happen for us :(

I keep thinking of the Frank Sinatra song..."Love and marriage. Love and marriage. They go together like a horse and carriage..." Err maybe not in this case. Maybe it's just "love and engagement and kids"

I guess I just have to pray that things will work out the way they're supposed to, and see where things go...

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Extra, Extra Read All About it!

Evan is five months old today! I tried to take his five month pictures this morning, but he was feeling pretty crabby. So, these are the two good ones that I got. Maybe if he's in a better mood later, I can take some more...

Monday, April 4, 2011

Back in Business

A picture! Do you know what that means? My laptop charger came today! I was going crazy without it, so I was super excited to get it. Ally and I have been dying Easter eggs for entertainment during the weekdays.I think she's getting bored with it, but I'm not!

I took this photo of Ally a few days ago. I went in her room to wake her up from her nap, and she just looked so pretty and sweet. Plus, she hates my camera, and this was the only way I could get a good shot of her without having to chase her down.

I want to start having some themed blogs... like "Wordless Wednesday" where I'll just post one of my pictures. Or "Favorite Things Thursday" where I talk about my favorite products. I always use certain products and just sit and think about how much I LOVE them. So maybe I could share some on here! Hmmm...I guess we shall see!

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Well, date night didn't work out yesterday. Ally wouldn't take a nap, so we decided to keep her at home. I was bummed! We did let Evan have his first sleepover at JuJu's and Pops's house though. He did great! But I missed him SO much, and I was so excited to see him this morning!

When we came to pick Ev up this morning, we dropped Ally off, and J and P took her to Chucky Cheese. When Evan wakes up from his nap, we'll all head over for Sunday dinner. I LOVE Sunday dinners. It's nice to catch up with everyone, and relax a bit.

So... I want to talk a little bit about "signs." I'm not the most religious person in the world, but I do believe in God, and I pray every night. Church is something that I want to get involved in soon, especially for the kids' sake, but just haven't yet. Anyway, yesterday, I was mad at Ally for not napping. I was angry that I wouldn't get my date night that I looked so forward to. Jason knew I was mad, so he took Ally to Target, and I went to Chipotle to get dinner for us. (not good for my diet, I know!) Well, on my way home from getting the food, I turn the radio on, and out blasts "Sweet Child 'o Mine." I put this song in Ally's one year slideshow, so hearing it just made me more mad. So, I turn the station. Next I hear "Isn't She Lovely."... Another song in her slideshow that also reminds me of her! At that point, I realized that someone was trying to tell me something. And I know who he was, and what he was telling me...

Yesterday would have been my grandpa's 91st birthday, but he passed away two years ago. I was thinking about him in the morning, after I realized what the date was. I think Grandpa was telling me, through the radio, not to be so immature. He was telling me how dumb it is to get mad at a three year old for not napping. He was reminding me about what I just wrote in my previous blog, about not letting the "little things" get to me. Well, point taken Grandpa!
Thank you for reaching out to me! I needed that! :)

I love "signs." and I usually find them in music. I told Jason that when I die, he can talk to me through the radio. I told him to turn it on, and ask questions, and I'll answer... Unless he goes before me, and then he said he'll do it. This sounds weird, and a little looney I know. But it brings me comfort!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

In God's hands

Today was a great Friday! The kids were both so good all day. When Jason got home, we all went to the mall to get Evan some summer clothes, and just hang out. There is a cute train there that gives rides around the mall for $3 a person. Ally absolutely loved it! I took a picture with my camera phone, but I won't be able to post it until I get my new computer cord.

Evan was such a good baby while we were there. He just looked around, babbled, and smiled the whole time. I think I jinxed things though, because I made a comment to Jason about it, and unfortunately, he wasn't so good tonight. Well, let me rephrase that. He was very good, he just didn't want to sleep! So, it's 10:30, and Jason and I didn't get to watch the movie we were hoping to see. It was frustrating, but I just try to remind myself that there are people out there who can't have, or have lost children, and would do anything to be in my position. I really am blessed to have two healthy, beautiful children, and sometimes after a long hard day, I just need to remind myself of that.

I actually started this blog after I came across Kellie Staats' blog. For those who haven't heard her tragic story, she's a mama who lost her baby to SIDS, a few months ago. I cannot, nor do I want to imagine the pain that Kellie must be going through. I have cried so many times after reading her blog. It has actually made me a better mother though. I hug and kiss both of my kids even more than I did before. And I try not to let the little things bother me. When I first read Kellie's blog, I become so anxious about Evan, since he is only a few weeks younger than her sweet baby Maddie. It got to the point where I was waking up panicky in the middle of the night to touch his chest and feel for breathing. I finally just told myself, that I have to do everything I can to keep him safe, and after that, it's in God's hands. It's good to be aware, but it's not healthy to do what I was doing. Anyway, if you are interested in reading Kellie's story, you can find it here:

Another Day Stronger

Wow, this post has ended up longer than I anticipated, especially since I'm still typing on my Ipad. So, I suppose I will call it a night! See ya ;)

Friday, April 1, 2011

She will be loved

I used to have a blog at  I created it back in 2004 when I was 18... still a baby!  So, now that I'm 25, have 2 kids, and am at a completely different place in my life, I've decided to make a "grown-up" blog.  I'm not sure if I feel comfortable with people even knowing that I have this.  But I also don't really have any juicy gossip to write about.  So, anyone who finds my blog probably won't stay for long anyway.

I really just started this to write about how much I love Ally and Evan, (my two little ones) I will also probably write about how frazzled I feel on a bad day. (I'll try to keep my complaining to a minimum, I promise!) I also want to write about my love for photography (and share some). 

I am the definition of a beginner photographer.  But since I got my Sony a390 for Christmas, I've been taking photos of everything I see (which pretty much means Ally and Evan).  I find it very therapeutic, and I want to get more involved in the photography world, as soon as possible.

When I chose my URL for this blog, I became flustered.  This is permanent.  This is supposed to represent me.  All the easy-to-think-of, cool names have been taken long ago.  So, I started thinking of song lyrics.  There are a few songs that describe my every day feelings.  And the song "She will be loved" by Maroon 5 popped into my head.  I haven't listened to it in years, but the lyrics "It's not always rainbows and butterflies, it's compromise that moves us along." has always stuck with me.  It may sound a bit pessimistic, but it's SO TRUE.  No matter how rosy people like to paint their lives for others... it really is never ever rainbows and butterflies all the time.  And at some point, everyone needs to compromise.

Anyway, that's enough for now.  So, here's hoping that this blog fills up with mostly happy posts about good health, exciting events, and other wonderful things!

Oh. And Photographs! Lots of Photographs!!

Hunt and peck

So... My charger for my laptop went bad. That means that I have to blog on the Ipad until my new charger arrives in the mail. And that means that until then, my posts will be VERY short, since I'm not a fan of "hunt and peck" or the Ipad's automatic spell corrector.

Well... It's almost April, and it's (gasp) SNOWING!! That makes me so very sad. And sick. I know that winters are bad in Ohio. I went all winter without complaining. But now, I just can't handle it anymore. Like seriously.

Ok. I promised that I would keep my complaining to a minimum. So, I will talk about something good now. I started working out for the first time in a year!! I only did 15 minutes on the elliptical, and a tiny tricep workout. But it felt so good to get back in the gym!! I am 20lbs. heavier than I was when I got pregnant with Ally, and now that I'm done having kids, I really need to get my body back. So, today was my first day, and I'm so proud of myself! It was not easy to convince Jason to give me three hours a week, while he watches the kids... But a mama needs that time!!

Well, I've had enough one finger typing so... Goodnight! :)

Cleaning Day

Well, today was pretty productive. On Thursdays, Jason's mom (Ally's JuJu) picks Ally up and takes her for the day. And since the baby still takes decent naps, I am able to clean the house. I really got a lot done today, which is good, because the house needed it BAD! And when Jason got home, we all went grocery shopping as a family.

All in all, it was a pretty boring day! But boring is okay with me once in a while.

Saturday is mine and Jason's date night! We don't get to stay out past seven, because we have to pick Evan up. (I feel weird having him spend the night anywhere else just yet.) Usually we just go out to dinner, and then do some sort of errand before getting Evan. I have no idea what we are doing this time though. But I am thankful for our one on one time together. We only go out every other weekend. So I treasure date nights. And once Evan is sleeping a little better, we'll actually get to stay out later, and sleep in on the weekends. That will be nice! But probably a little hard too, since I've never spent the night without my baby.

Today, was day one of calorie counting. I absolutely hate having to watch what I eat, but I hate feeling fat even more. So, it will definitely be worth it when I start losing some weight. I use a free app. on my phone that counts calories. It's really nice, because it actually makes me realize what I'm eating. A lot of times I'm surprised at how bad some things are. Hopefully, I'm close to my goal by June/July. I just have to stay on track!!

I cannot wait to get my laptop back so I can start posting pictures! 'night!