Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Child killer, Casey Anthony was released to the streets today. She will be able to enjoy the privilege of being a free American citizen. Justice for Caylee was not served, and it sickens me!!!

So many people feel so emotional about this case. (How could you not, when you have the loss of a 2 1/2 year old, and a mother who is not even concerned?) Anyway, I tried to step back and look at this case objectively. After all, it is just as bad, if not worse to have an innocent person behind bars, as it is to have a murderer out on the streets. So, I took all of my emotions out of the situation, and just thought about the facts.

Which are: Casey was the last person who saw Caylee. Numerous witnesses testified that they smelled decomposition in the car. There was a decomposing hair in the car (doesn't matter that there was ONLY one... the point is that there was one) Casey was the only person who was driving that car. (Not one witness testified otherwise) Casey was searching for chloroform months before the murder. Casey borrowed a shovel from her neighbor. The duct tape, blanket, and garbage bags were all from Casey's house. There was a heart shaped sticker over the tape (shows a crime of passion) She lied to family, friends, and law enforcement. An innocent person doesn't do that! There were THREE pieces of duct tape over Caylee's mouth. There is absolutely no reason not to report an accident, or make one look like a murder. I just don't see REASONABLE doubt. Casey had the means, motive, and the oppurtunity.

And then, you have her parents. I cannot make heads or tails of them, and their strange actions. I really believe they know what happened to Caylee, but they were scared of losing their daughter too, and piled the lies on to help her out. I can't say what I would do if I were in their shoes, and I pray to God I am never in a situation even remotely close to this. But C'mon...

Anyway, this is really about Caylee. And that precious baby is free from the sick, sad, circus going on down here. She's painless. Emotionally. Physically. God will handle this case from here on out.

Rest in peace sweet baby!

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