Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Cold Feet Resolved

With our wedding coming up in just four short weeks, I've been thinking more about the meaning of marriage. To me, I always thought marriage was a piece of paper, and that was it. The only reason why I was even marrying Jason, was because I knew I was going to be with him forever, and I didn't want my kids to go around school with a different last name than their mother. But that is a very sad way to look at marriage.

So, I started actually googling "the meaning of marriage," and the "purpose of marriage." After clicking on the second link that interested me, I found this site which explains marriage beautifully, and actually makes me more excited to be married. The last paragraph, in the "Addendum" sums it up best:

"However, those who enter into marriage with the intention of finding perfect romantic fulfillment, have entered it with self-centered motives and will therefore find great disappointment. The best romantic love is fostered in a marriage in which both partners have served one another selflessly. Their love has grown, because they have been won by the other's devotion. May we all foster great romantic love in our marriages by our selfless service to our mates."

I never believed in "cold feet" either. I always thought that was a sign that you really shouldn't be getting married. But I think what I was going through was my own form of "cold feet." This website really relieved a lot of that. I LOVE how it explains that love is not about fulfilling your own romantic needs. I hope I can live by this ALWAYS!!!

Here is the link to the rest of the site:

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