Sunday, July 17, 2011

Feeling Happier

After a stressful week last week, Jason and I enjoyed a MUCH needed, relaxing, and enjoyable weekend! Friday night was nothing special... just grocery shopping with the kids. Saturday night, Jason's parents watched Ally and Evan, and Jason and I headed out for the mall to look for a wedding band for me, (we never found one, but I did get an awesome bachelorette night dress) followed by sushi and drinks. Afterward, we went to a music festival with my friend Brittany, and Jason's brother and his wife. I found a knock off Coach purse, that I was quite pleased with! Overall, it was a darling night!

I got to sleep in today, which was wonderful. Shortly after I woke up, Jason and I went to Target to get some things for our trip (ONLY FIVE MORE WEEKS, I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!)After that, we just got some things done for the wedding, and met up with our lovely babies at Jason's parents house. We swam and ate burgers. I LOVE Sunday dinners!

Now time for bed... I'm tired! Goodnight All!

I haven't posted any pictures in a while. This one was taken last month (June 22nd) but I just posted it as my profile picture on facebook, so I figured I'd share it here too!

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