Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Why do things have to be so complicated right now? Why can't both families just fake it and pretend they like eachother, like every other family? This is really getting to me!! I do not like being in the middle of this mess one eansy weansy bit. Then again, I created this problem by venting my frustrations to Jason, who, in turn, let his parents know every bad thing about my family. So now his parents don't like my mom, and she's not invited to the reception. This causes my brother to write Jason and me a message on facebook stating confusion (really just nosiness) about why my mom isn't invited.

I want to be excited about my wedding, and I want people to be happy for us. I want to celebrate with everyone I love. Why does it have to be this way?! I can't ask Jason's parents to invite my mom, when they obviously don't want her there. I can't ask them not to have this reception that they've already paid for, and sacrifice a celebration of my marriage, for someone who probably doesn't want to be there anyway. I just wish his parents would have sucked it up, and pretended that they were indifferent about the situation, so there wouldn't be this huge elephant in the room whenever I talk to one of my family members. It also makes me angry that my brother and sister are siding with my mom on this, when they should simply not be taking sides to begin with. It really and truly has absolutely nothing to do with them.

I've just been so unbelievably stressed these days. I have the stress of taking care of two small children (one who is teething). I'm stressed about this wedding. I'm VERY stressed about this family drama that's going on. I'm stressed thinking about all the things we still have to get done before we go to Vegas. I'm stressed about our house not selling, and being cramped up in this two bedroom condo with two kids.

I know that I am very blessed, and I don't want to appear clueless about my blessings. But sometimes, I just want to SCREAM!!!!!

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