Monday, July 25, 2011

Are we there yet?!

I finally got both kids to sleep at the same time today, and I should really be using this time to take a nap! But for some reason, I can't sleep. I really. really. REALLY need a break though!! I am just feeling so completely exhausted. I didn't go out last weekend with Jason or a friend, because I'm trying to save for Vegas, but I probably should have done something. I feel like I can't be a good friend, fiance, or mom without refueling at least once a week. And I have no idea how I'm going to make it to Saturday without any "me" time.

I think this week has been particularly hard for me for several reasons. The main one, is that I haven't been sleeping. Evan got two teeth within seven days, and he was not a happy boy. I felt so bad for him, and he was having a lot of trouble sleeping (waking up for hours at a time during the night!) Another reason that last week, and this week are so hard, is because of the weather. It might as well be winter with the way the humidity is out there. We can't go outside to play, so we're pretty much stuck inside all day. Then, when Jason comes home, he likes to take Ally to different places to play, so I'm stuck at home some more with Evan (the crabby 8 1/2 month old) Don't get me wrong, I love to spend time with both of my kids, but it would be nice to get out once in a while!

I feel like I have also been letting myself go lately. My hair is a mess, and I usually just throw it up into a ponytail during the week. Since I haven't been oustide, I am also losing my tan. And to top everything off, I'm breaking out like I'm thirteen again! I don't know if it's stress, no sleep, my poor diet, the humidity, or everything put together... but my face looks terrible! I am also having a hard time losing any more weight. I would really like to lose at least five more pounds to feel good at my wedding. I started my strict diet (aka starving myself) back up. So, the combination of zero sleep, feeling ugly, and being hungry all the time, is really not helping out my mood at all!!

I just need to keep telling myself that I only have FOUR more weeks until Vegas. Part of me feels selfish for looking so forward to this vacation. I know I will miss my kids to death while I'm gone. But I NEED this break! I NEED to feel pretty for at least one day! And I NEED to let loose and relax for a bit.

Thanks for listening to me vent!

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