Monday, February 13, 2012


I know I'm due for an update here, but I really came here just to write about something that bothers me. I don't know why it bothers me, because it really has nothing to do with me, but...

Why are so many people just standing still in life? Don't they want to accomplish NEW things in their short time on earth? I'm far from being the most ambitious person in the world, but I still feel like I'm at least jogging on the sidewalk of life. These people I'm referring to, are just standing next to the sidewalk totally confused about what it even is.

I know too many people, who are about my age, who are content just doing the same things all the time. Some of them don't have jobs, or even go to college with hopes of eventually getting a job. Some of them, live with their parents (and I'm not talking temporarily). Some of them, have been in the same relationship for years, with no plans of getting married in the near future. Some of them, (and this is the one that really gets to me for some reason) just live to party. I don't get how hanging out in the bar/club scene is fun for anyone. It's a huge waste of money. There are a bunch of guys and girls trying WAY too hard. It's fun to go out and party every once in a while... but every night/weekend? I just. don't. get. it!

I know that some people could accuse me of moving too fast in life... with marriage and kids... but those things are what give my life meaning.(along with trying to start my photography business, building our home, trying to get in shape, and dreaming about how to go on at least one vacation a year.)

Aren't these people going to look back and wonder why they were just destroying this precious time?

I will never get it. It makes me want to scream at them "GET ON THE SIDEWALK!"

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