Saturday, January 14, 2012

What's in a name?

The women of one of the blogs I regularly follow, created a post about why she chose her children's names. One of the things she said, was that the meaning was very important to her. When I named our children, I really just wanted names that Jason and I both loved. But, I do remember looking up the meanings as well. I think both of our kids have very sweet and wonderful meanings. Here are all of our names, and their meanings:

Shannon: God is gracious, Small, Wise One

Jason: He that will cure

Allyson: Of noble birth

Evan: Young warrior, Well-born

So, pretty cool I guess. We all have nice meanings attached to our names. I like how Jason's says "He that will cure" and he's a physical therapist. He's not a doctor or anything, but he does help people. I also like that mine says I'm wise. I should remind Jason of that when we're arguing :) I hope that Evan's name doesn't mean he's going to be too much of a fighter/enlist in the military. I'm all for serving the country, but I don't ever want to lose my little boy (or my little girl for that matter). And "of noble birth" She is our princess! :)

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