Friday, January 6, 2012

Quick Update

Wow, I'm really behind on updating. So, here's a quick recap... We ended up moving into the house that I talked about in my previous post, and it's not so bad!! It's pretty big, and I think the kids enjoy having more room to play. The home building process is beginning, but we haven't actually signed anything yet. So far, we've just been meeting with the builders and the loan officers at a few banks. The builders that we're going with (Little Mountain Homes) have the technology to build in the winter, so they can technically start at anytime, but that leaves us less time to save. SOOO... that creates a bit of stress for us. But it will all be worth it when we are finally living in our dream home (At least I pray that it will!!)

Also, I finally started a photography business. I'm wishing I would have started it in the summer, when natural light is best. It's tough trying to get clients right now, when I have no backdrops, a crappy flash, and no indoor lighting system. I had three clients (all people I knew from work/high school) before Christmas. I think they went well... but I just don't know if my clients think so too... and that is OF COURSE what's most important. I also really want a new lens, but I just don't have the money for it. I really think I have the talent (or else I wouldn't be wasting my time trying this) but I just don't have the equipment that I want/need to be my best. I try to tell myself that working without optimal equipment will help me become a better photographer....

Well, it's bedtime. Hopefully I will do a better job at keeping up with this. I will leave you with a few photos that I took of the kids and our "chicken coop" house. The house has a chicken coop in the back, so that is how it has gotten that nickname, in case you were wondering ;)

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