Thursday, February 16, 2012

Lousy Week

Well, my gynecologist thinks that I might have polycystic ovarian syndrome. I have to go in for testing this weekend, to find out for sure. I know this isn't the end of the world, but I am pretty anxiety ridden over it. Nobody ever wants to hear that they have anything wrong with them. It's not life threatening in, and of itself, but I will have to be on birth control, (even after Jason's vasectomy) as well as, diet and exercise for the rest of my life. I guess my chances of contracting heart disease are double, and from the little I know about the syndrome, diabetes is imminent. That, alone, crushes me.

I'm just sad today.

We're having a really bad week with the loan on the house, as well. Since we applied for the loan at the end of 2011, they average out Jason's income from 2009 and 2010, when he was making CONSIDERABLY less than he is making now. I also worked at that time, but they don't use my income, because my name isn't going to be on the loan... and I don't work anymore. So, it's not income that is still coming in. So, we are still going to be able to get the loan, but not until Jason works for a few more months to a) save more b) have more proof of income for this year

My heart is sad. :(

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