Thursday, October 13, 2011

Fixing the Problem

So... after my last blog... I started eating differently. It's only been four days, but I already feel so much better about myself. I've been eating fewer calories, and practically (and this is the hardest part) no sugar!! I only add sugar to my coffee... otherewise I've been eating food in it's natural form. And no cupcakes, muffins, cookies, cake... you get the idea. I also hit the gym on Monday. That has been much more challenging for me than watching what I eat. It just seems so hard to get out of this house without the kids. Jason put Ally and Evan to bed on Monday so I could go. I really appreciated it, and it made a huge difference in how I feel about myself!!! It's crazy. Obviously, I haven't really lost any weight yet, or gained much muscle, but just dieting and working out for a few days makes me feel SO much better!

It is getting hard though, I must admit. I just have to keep telling myself that this is not a diet. I don't want this to be temporary. I need to watch what I eat for months just go get to my goal weight, and then from there I still have to watch so I don't gain. I still wish I could eat whatever I want and look fantastic. But don't we all?!

The kids are doing great, except Ally has a cough. It makes me so angry, because on Tuesday when I picked her up there was a boy with a nasty cough, and I just looked at his mom like WTF are you thinking?! That night, when Jason and I were talking, he told me that he saw a boy there with a bad cough when he dropped her off. So, I doubt that it's just a coincidence that a boy was sick on Tuesday, and now Ally has, not a cold, but a barky cough. I want to kick the mother of that little boy. Like, seriously... it's PRESCHOOL!! Do you NEED to take your kid to school when he's sick? Thanks for sharing this virus you bitch. Okay, sorry... i get really irritated by this. It ruins our entire week, because usually it doesn't end with Ally. We also have a little baby in the house, and a mom who has to take care of them, and a dad who has to go to work to provide for them. So, it's not like any of us can afford to get sick. I would never take my kids to school if I knew they were sick. Especially preschool. Jerks.

Otherwise, everyone is well. And I am thankful for that! Ally is going to be Dorothy for Halloween. I kind of wish we would have done Little Red Riding Hood. Ally won't pick anything herself, so it was our job to do it this year. We ended up picking Dorothy per a few others' suggestions, because Evan is going to be a lion. His costume was easy to pick out. We were just walking through Target, and I saw this adorable little lion outfit, and thought it would be perfect for Ev.

He is as sweet as ever, by the way. He started saying "baby" yesterday. Clear as day. baby I love hearing his little voice say a real word, other than mama, dada babble. He rarely ever talks (how could he with his sister and me around all the time?) so it's super sweet when we hear his voice. He's not really showing an interest in walking yet, but I think that's just because he's so super effecient at crawling. Oh, he weighs 21 1/4 pounds, and he's got six teeth... four up top, and two on the bottom.

Ally, other than being sick right now, is doing great in preschool. I think she likes it, even though she doesn't talk about it much. She told me that she's learning about fire safety, so I thought that was cool. We didn't end up putting her in gymnastics or dance like we had planned. But she's taking a class at Gymboree with Evan. She likes it, but she seems a lot older than the other kids, even though it's a family class for up to five years old. We are planning on enrolling her in gymnastics in January, and she seems excited about it.

I guess that's all our news... I'm sure there's more, but I don't get much free time, so I think I'm going to go watch some TV and relax.

Much Love :)

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