Friday, November 4, 2011

Catching Up

It's been a LONG time since I've updated... or shared any pictures. Sometimes, I'm not quite sure why I even have this blog. I wanted to use it as a way to document my life, and share my pictures (even though I haven't shared my blog address with anyone). But I just feel like I don't have time to write eloquently or to keep up with all the pictures I take. I usually am too tired or lazy to care about my spelling, or how I've worded my sentences. It's funny, because I used to be such a grammar nazi. Now, I think I'm the queen of grammatical errors and first grade sentences. Maybe that's really a good thing though, because maybe it means I have much more important stuff going on in my life.

Which brings me back to my update! Before I share my photos from the past few weeks, I would like to share my most exciting and scary news. We found renters!! After almost three years of trying to sell, we found loopholes in our association's rules, and we decided to put the condo up for rent. Within hours of listing it on renting websites, we had dozens of interested people. We ended up finding a man and his wife who want to stay for 18 months to be closer to their son and his wife who are about to have a baby. It's great for us, but scary too... what happens if they aren't good tentants?! What happens after the 18 months are up?! Meanwhile, we are going to hopefully be building a brand new place of our own!! But while we're waiting for winter to end, so the builders can break ground on our house, we will be renting from one of Jason's cousins. I am not happy about it for several reasons. 1) It's in a semi unsafe neighborhood. 2) Jason's great aunt and great uncle both died INSIDE the home! Eeek. I'm a bit creeped out about the whole experience actually. But, it's practically free for us to rent, which means we can save the money we need for a solid down payment.

Anyway, enough about all that. Let's get to the fun stuff! PICTURES! These are going to be pretty self explanatory, but I will explain anyway (in random order) Halloween 2011, Evan is (almost) ONE!!, playing in the leaves... Are ya ready? Well, here you go:

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