Monday, November 7, 2011

Birthday Boy

My big boy is ONE!! Here are some pictures from his party, which was yesterday..

We did an Elmo theme for the party, because he's pretty into Elmo at the moment. Although, it seems to be fading. I guess he's too busy to watch TV these days.

This pic is of Evan with his Godmother, Michelle. Michelle is Jason's cousin. She's got four kids of her own, is super nice, and a perfectionist. I clean my house extra before she comes over, because I'm afraid she'll think we're gross if I don't.

Ally and Evan with their four cousins. (Michelle's kids)

Here Daddy and Evan are checking out Evan's party hat in the mirror. He loves his reflection... as he should, because he's pretty darn cute, if I do say so myself! ;)

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