Friday, May 6, 2011

Dear Evan

Dear Evan,

Tomorrow you turn six months old! I can't believe how fast the time went. It literally seems like just yesterday, daddy and I were pulling into the hospital parking lot to go inside and give birth to you. You are such a beautiful baby, and such a blessing to us all!

You were due to be born on November 13, 2010, but I just couldn't wait to meet you. Looking back, I know I shouldn't have been so impatient, but I took some castor oil and orange juice on November 6th to speed things along. Well, boy did you teach me a lesson!! I was in labor all day, but had no idea, because I thought all that cramping was from the castor oil. At 11PM I felt you push down so hard, that I thought you were going to be born on our living room couch. Daddy and I rushed to the hospital. I was 4cm dialated when we got there, and by the time they got me out of triage and into the delivery room, I was 9 1/2!!!! There was no time for an epidural, so on November 7, 2010 at 1:32am, I screamed and pushed, and out you came!

From the minute I first saw you, I knew you would be such a good boy. You had your sweet little hands held up to your face as you cried. I probably scared you with all the screaming, sorry!!

I can't wait to see the man that you will one day become. But for now, I'm thouroughly enjoying you be the adorable little boy that you are. You love to go in your "jumpy jumpy" and "exi-saucy" as I like to call them. But more than anything, you like to be carried around, so you can look at everything! You're such a curious little boy! You have the most adorable laugh, and lucky for us, you laugh ALL the time! You must think your big sis has a cute little chipmunk voice, because you always laugh when she's around!

I have turned you into quite the mama's boy, and lately you will cry whenever I put you down. I am definitely not complaining, though. I have a feeling that one day you'll be more interested in other things, than you are your mom, so I will eat up all your attention while I can!

I always say that you're a perfect baby, except when it comes to sleep! You do not sleep much for a baby. Actually, you sleep about 9 hours at night, and fight me whenever I try to get you to take a nap. I guess, you just don't want to miss out on anything! You always fall asleep in the car, and you hate to lie flat on your back. So, you take naps in your bouncer and sleep in your nap nanny at night. You just learned how to roll over a few weeks ago, so I know we need to move you out of those soon, but I don't know how you are going to take it. Last time I tried to get you to sleep on your back, you woke up every half hour...

Well Evan, you just woke up from your nap. You slept a while this time... about an hour! ;) I love you dear boy!


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