Sunday, May 22, 2011

Beautiful Sunday

I took this picture a while ago, but I noticed that my blog was filling up with Evan pics, and no Ally ones. She was dressed up in her tinkerbell dress and wings.

Well, Ohio finally got that warm weather we've been waiting for! And it was even more wonderful than I remembered!

Last night, Jason and I dropped the kids off at JuJu's and Pop's house, and had a date night. We started off with dinner and drinks out on the patio at Longhorn, and then met up with Brittany and another couple at an outdoor sushi restaurant. It was so relaxing, and everything I needed!

Today we had our usual Sunday dinner, and Jason's parents' pool was finally ready! Ally went swimming, and LOVED it! That will definitely be nice this summer! The only downside is that Evan obviously can't be in the sun or heat for long, so I will be spending a lot of time indoors. But maybe I can lay out while he naps ;)

Either way, I'm really looking foward to summer!!

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