Thursday, February 23, 2012

Letters to my kids

Dear Ally,

As I write this, you are one month shy of four years old. Wow, time is flying!!! You are a very sweet, intelligent, and imaginative little girl, and I can't even remember life before you. Your favorite thing to do is arts and crafts! You would sit and paint, color, cut, and glue for hours if we let you. You're a total combination of girly girl and tomboy. You don't like princess stuff like most girls, and you hate playing with dolls. But you like putting on makeup and wearing pretty dresses. I think you feel a bit jealous of your little brother sometimes, but I also think he's your favorite person in the world. Every time I pick you up from preschool, you ask how he's doing, and what he's been up to for the day. You are always looking out for him too. Sometimes, I think you just like to yell at him, but most of the time, you are generally concerned for his well being. Even though you're only a little girl, you know such funny words and expressions. When you go to places you like, you tend to say "This was such a great adventure!" You love to play with daddy, especially when you guys pretend to fight. You also love to spend your time at Juju's and Pops' house, and sometimes it's hard to get you to leave after being there. I love getting to spend girls' days with you. Usually we just go out to lunch, or the mall, but I cherish that one-on-one time with you. Last time that we spent the day together, I told you that I was so glad that I had a little girl like you. You looked at me, and said "I'm so glad I have a mom like you." It made my heart melt! I will try to always remember that phrase, especially during your teenage years!! Not only are you sweet, but you're also very smart. You know your alphabet, can recognize all of your letters, can count to 50, and can write your name. You can write a lot of other letters too. And you know all of your colors. Your favorite movie, at the moment is "The Lion King." You saw it for the first time a few weeks ago, and now you like to watch it over, and over, and over.

Dear Evan,

As I write this, you are 15 months old. You are the coolest little boy I've ever met! I love this age that you're at, because you are the perfect mixture of baby and little boy. You still smell like a baby, and your skin is still extremely soft. But you are getting smarter, learning to talk, and getting into everything. You have a sense of humor, which I think is pretty cool. You LOVE to dance, and you'll dance to anything that has a rhythm. It's pretty cute, actually, because you dance while sitting. You move your arms around, and bounce up and down on your butt... so funny and adorable! You have a good appetite, and are much less of a picky eater than your big sister. Your favorite foods are cooked carrots, macaroni and cheese with broccoli, and spaghetti. You also seem to like mashed potatoes with ground up steak. You are such an easy going little boy (which I am SO grateful for) Unless you are sick or teething, you go to sleep very easily for me. But even though you are pretty easy going, boy do you have a temper when you don't get your way! We do our best not to take anything from you, unless it's for safety reasons, because you will throw you body down on the ground, and scream! I try my best to ignore you, in hopes that you will grow out of those tantrums! You are such a loving boy! You let me kiss you, and cuddle with you all the time. Sometimes, we'll watch TV, and you'll hold my hand the whole time. I will always remember how nice it is to snuggle with my baby Evan! :) You don't walk, yet. You usually get pretty mad at us when we try to make you, but when it's your idea, you do just fine with it. You've taken plenty of steps on your own, you just don't do it on a regular basis. I think you just don't feel like walking, because you are a master at crawling. You manage to get into everything... typical little boy!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Lousy Week

Well, my gynecologist thinks that I might have polycystic ovarian syndrome. I have to go in for testing this weekend, to find out for sure. I know this isn't the end of the world, but I am pretty anxiety ridden over it. Nobody ever wants to hear that they have anything wrong with them. It's not life threatening in, and of itself, but I will have to be on birth control, (even after Jason's vasectomy) as well as, diet and exercise for the rest of my life. I guess my chances of contracting heart disease are double, and from the little I know about the syndrome, diabetes is imminent. That, alone, crushes me.

I'm just sad today.

We're having a really bad week with the loan on the house, as well. Since we applied for the loan at the end of 2011, they average out Jason's income from 2009 and 2010, when he was making CONSIDERABLY less than he is making now. I also worked at that time, but they don't use my income, because my name isn't going to be on the loan... and I don't work anymore. So, it's not income that is still coming in. So, we are still going to be able to get the loan, but not until Jason works for a few more months to a) save more b) have more proof of income for this year

My heart is sad. :(

Monday, February 13, 2012


I know I'm due for an update here, but I really came here just to write about something that bothers me. I don't know why it bothers me, because it really has nothing to do with me, but...

Why are so many people just standing still in life? Don't they want to accomplish NEW things in their short time on earth? I'm far from being the most ambitious person in the world, but I still feel like I'm at least jogging on the sidewalk of life. These people I'm referring to, are just standing next to the sidewalk totally confused about what it even is.

I know too many people, who are about my age, who are content just doing the same things all the time. Some of them don't have jobs, or even go to college with hopes of eventually getting a job. Some of them, live with their parents (and I'm not talking temporarily). Some of them, have been in the same relationship for years, with no plans of getting married in the near future. Some of them, (and this is the one that really gets to me for some reason) just live to party. I don't get how hanging out in the bar/club scene is fun for anyone. It's a huge waste of money. There are a bunch of guys and girls trying WAY too hard. It's fun to go out and party every once in a while... but every night/weekend? I just. don't. get. it!

I know that some people could accuse me of moving too fast in life... with marriage and kids... but those things are what give my life meaning.(along with trying to start my photography business, building our home, trying to get in shape, and dreaming about how to go on at least one vacation a year.)

Aren't these people going to look back and wonder why they were just destroying this precious time?

I will never get it. It makes me want to scream at them "GET ON THE SIDEWALK!"