Friday, October 5, 2012

2nd round of letters

Since I never finished the first set of letters... I figure I will post some updated letters to my babies... so here goes:

Dear Ally,

As I write this letter today, you are 4 1/2.  Goodness, are you beautiful!! You love preschool, and catching bugs. You still love to draw, and color.  You love watching movies, and are finally at an age where you will sit and watch the whole thing.  You are so kind and compassionate.  When you and your brother are playing, and he wants what you have, you just give him whatever it is.  We always tell you that you don't have to, and that he can wait his turn, but you do it because you want to... because you are so full of love.  With strong emotion, comes a bit of the temper tantrums as well.  You still need to take a nap in the afternoons, and if you don't, you can be quite stubborn, and trying.  You really like to press my buttons sometimes! ;)  Something tells me that you are only going to want to do this more as you hit the teenage years! You are in gymnastics, and you are doing very well.  But even when you can't do something, you are so determined to keep trying, until you do.  I love your perseverance!  You are a great little communicator, and sometimes it amazes me the words you know.  You love to be read to, and you pretend that you can read yourself.  I know what I sound like now when I read to you, because you use the same tone that I do in your stories! You're so creative! Sometimes, I'm a little hard on you, because I want you to grow up to be happy and successful.  But I hope I am not too hard on you.  I hope you know that I love you and Evan more than anything in the world.  I would give you my life, if I had to.  I hope that I am giving you a good childhood, sweetheart!! I'm so proud of the little girl you are, and I can't wait to see what a wonderful woman you will become.  (well, I can wait a little while, because that will mean I'm getting old... and I don't want that!)

I love you,

Dear Evan,

Today, you are a month and three days shy of 2 years old.  You are just the funniest little man.  I'm beginning to think that your stubbornness is not a phase, but a personality trait! Hmm.. I wonder where you get that from?  Generally, though, you are an easy going, and happy-go-lucky little boy.  You are a great imitator.  Lately, you, Ally, and I, will play a game in the evening called, "copycat."  Ally and I will make up a sound and a motion, and you always pick up on it right away.  You're SO smart!! A few days ago, you memorized a pattern of shapes.  I couldn't believe it!  For as smart as you are, you say some funny made up words sometimes!  For instance, when you want chocolate milk, you call it "co-yo-yo" and you call Lucky Charms, "marshmellyoyoyo"  I think you're trying to say "marshmallow cereal!"  You still like to dance, but you stand now, and bounce at your knees!  You hate having your hair cut or washed.  Every time we do either, it's like a chore.  I think I dread it more than you do, because I feel so sad hearing you cry about it.  You love to watch Thomas the Train (you call it ca-ca choo choo) Elmo's Christmas or Elmo's Halloween, The Lorax, and every once in a while... Dora.  You're not a picky eater, but you don't eat very much.  If you're hungry, you'll have just about anything, but generally, you aren't very hungry.  You love to snack on chips, and your word for those is "Deps"  When you want more of them, you'll say "S'more Deps"  You LOVE your Cozy Coups.  You have a red one, and just recently we got you a blue minivan.  (sorry kid, it was the best I could find!)  I'm having such mixed feelings about your upcoming birthday.  I'm excited that you're getting older, and that I am fortunate enough to have spent another beautiful year watching you grow... but once you are two, you are officially not a baby anymore.  You are such a sweet baby, and I'm going to miss these cute little things you do.  But... I'm excited to watch you grow up into a young man too.

I love you Evan Michael,


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