Monday, July 9, 2012

When I tell someone that I'm unhappy about something, or that I'm having a bad day.... the last thing I want to hear, is that I'm sounding ungrateful, or that I need to suck it up.  It is possible to be grateful for what you have, and still feel unhappy/overwhelmed... which is exactly the case for me, at the moment.

Everyone should be allowed to complain, once in a while... and everyone should be allowed to have a bad day here or there.  Just because I know that I have a lot of good going on in my life, doesn't mean I can stop the tears from welling up in my eyes on a sad day.

It's just like when someone is sick, and someone is like "It could be worse... you could be dying of cancer."  Just because other people are dying from cancer, doesn't mean that the sick person can help feeling crappy.  A little bit of perspective helps once in a while... but it's not what a person needs when they are expressing unhappiness.  Shut up and listen to them!

(which, come to think of it, is advice I need to take when dealing with my sweet little Ally, who complains just about everything)

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