Monday, September 5, 2011

We did it!!

I am officially a married woman, and I must say it's even better than I expected. I would like to write a long blog about it, but unfortunately my time is limited. I can say that it was a WONDERFUL time in Vegas (with a little speed bump the night before the wedding) Okay, it wasn't a little speed bump, it was a full out Sam and Ronnie fight. I guess that's what drinking Vodka the night before your wedding will do to you. But fortunately, we worked it out (and both felt stupid afterwards) And now we're husband and wife. :) Now that all the stress from the wedding planning is over, I feel like A MILLION bucks!! I just need to grab a massage, and find a gym to work out in, and I think I might be the happiest person in the world!

It may have took a wedding to do it, but I think I fell in love with Jason all over again. It was the first time since we've had Ally where we got to concentrate on US. It is my goal to try to keep the good vibes going. I know that things will not always be perfect between us, but I am a very stubborn and loyal person. I hope to always try my hardest to make things work!

Anyway... Vegas=Wonderful Our Reception at home= Perfect

I will do my best to post pictures soon!!

Take Care!

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