Thursday, September 22, 2011

Vaccine Conspiracy

Kellie (the woman whose blog I read just about every day) posted an interesting blog about a SIDS/vaccine link. I wanted to post a comment on her blog, but I was afraid it would offend people who don't vaccinate. So, I decided to post it here instead:

I am curious to see if there have been any cases of unvaccinated babies dying from SIDS, and if so... how many? Unfortunately, I don't think the government wants to look into issues like this, because they don't want the masses to stop vaccinating, which would probably result in major epidemics. I'm not usually one who believes in conspiracy theories, but I think it just makes sense in this case. They can't care about each individual child, when they have an entire nation to look after.

My daughter is three and a half years old, and it wasn't until her 2mo appointment, when I watched how much they injected into her tiny body, that my husband and I decided to do some reasearch, and hold off on vaccinating her. We actually have an appointment scheduled for tomorrow to start on her remaining shots. And the only reason we made that appointment right now, is because her preschool mandates that their students are up-to-date on all vaccines. We also have a ten month old son, and he has had NO shots so far. We will probably delay them until he starts school, as well. His pediatrician actually kicked us out of the practice for not vaccinating him. We have, since, found a wonderful vaccine friendly pedi.

I don't think that it's a coincidence that all these health problems in children are rising in numbers as the amount of chemicals injected into their bodies (and toxins already floating around in the atmosphere) are rising. It seems that almost half of my daughter's preschool class has a peanut allergy. When I went to school, not one of my friends had a peanut or egg allergy.

Here is a link to an interesting article supporting this theory:

I don't know. I guess we probably won't know for sure for a long time, if ever.

I have no disrespect whatsover for those who do vaccinate. This is just my belief, and this is what I chose for my children. I could be WAY off here.

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