Thursday, August 4, 2011

Natural Therapy

Today was very therapuetic, and just what I needed. It was a typical Thursday morning, with Ally at JuJu's, and Evan hanging out with me. I also did the standard Thursday cleaning that I always do. But this evening was quite nice. We took the kids to a park, which is right on Lake Erie, and always a bit cooler than it is at our house (which was nice today, because it was HOT out). The breeze off the lake made it the most comfortable temperature, and just being by the lake was lovely and enjoyable for all of us.

After we came home from the park, I finally filled my iPod (that I got for Mother's Day) up with some songs, and hit the road for a run. I did not feel like running at all tonight, but I made myself do it. I am so glad that I did!! I ended up running for a lot longer than I thought I would, and loved listening to all my new songs. We have a little pond behind our house, so after my jog, I kept my iPod on, and just cleared my head and watched the sun set over the pond. It was a great time to think about everything that I have going on, and take some deep breaths. I wish I could make myself do this every night, because it would probably be GREAT for me (way better than drinking a beer!)

Oh, I forgot to mention the other therapuetic part of my day... Katie called me to catch up, and I just got everything that is bothering me with my family off my chest. It was great to have a friend who understands me. I wish she didn't live so far away, and hopefully one day she'll be be able to come back to Ohio. I guess that is just selfish thinking ;)

Well... I hope everyone is having a great week. Nighty Night!

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