Saturday, June 11, 2011


Today, I just wanted to write down a few of the things I am thankful for (in no particular order):

1)My health
2)My two beautiful, healthy children
3)Jason (a man who treats me with respect and is a WONDERFUL father)
4)My family (Even though I feel so much tension between most of them, with everything going on between my mom and I, I am thankful to have them in my life, even if I don't physically see them often.
5)Jason's family and all the support they give to us.
6)A roof over my head
7)A nice car to drive (and by nice, I mean one that's newer, that I feel is safe for my kids and me to be in, that gets me from point A to point B)
8)food in my belly, or the ability to put food in my belly when I'm hungry
9)My friends (I don't have many, but I believe in quality rather than qauntity. I love all of my friends dearly!)
10)My almost completely planned, upcoming wedding (Having things to look forward to is what makes life more exciting)
11)Savings in the bank (it feels nice to have a little cushion, because you just never know)
12)Internet access (I would die without the internet)
13)My camera (It allows me to capture all those wonderful moments in my life)
14)Clean clothing to wear
15)Heat in the winter, and Air conditioning in the summer
16)The ability to stay home with my kids. (some days are HARD, much harder than when I worked, but I wouldn't trade this time with them for the world! I know I will never regret this time off of work.

*Most of these are things we take for granted on a daily basis. But to some, these are luxuries, and I am SO thankful for all the wonderful people and "things" in my life.*

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