Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Rubber Ducky

I took these pictures of Evan yesterday. He's such a sweetheart!

My other sweetheart had her second day of gymnastics today. I was very proud of her, because last week she was terrified to to do somersaults, and she was doing them like crazy today. She's still scared to flip on the bars or the beam, so we'll have to work on that.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there! And a big Happy Father's Day to my dad! I want to thank him for always being there for me, and loving me unconditionally, even during that rough time when his own world had fallen apart.

(My dad and me in December of 1985)

Another big Happy Father's Day goes out to Jason. He is SO supportive of me, and is an AMAZING father!! I couldn't have picked a better daddy for my babes!

(Jason and Ally on her first day home from the hospital, March 2008)

Saturday, June 11, 2011


Today, I just wanted to write down a few of the things I am thankful for (in no particular order):

1)My health
2)My two beautiful, healthy children
3)Jason (a man who treats me with respect and is a WONDERFUL father)
4)My family (Even though I feel so much tension between most of them, with everything going on between my mom and I, I am thankful to have them in my life, even if I don't physically see them often.
5)Jason's family and all the support they give to us.
6)A roof over my head
7)A nice car to drive (and by nice, I mean one that's newer, that I feel is safe for my kids and me to be in, that gets me from point A to point B)
8)food in my belly, or the ability to put food in my belly when I'm hungry
9)My friends (I don't have many, but I believe in quality rather than qauntity. I love all of my friends dearly!)
10)My almost completely planned, upcoming wedding (Having things to look forward to is what makes life more exciting)
11)Savings in the bank (it feels nice to have a little cushion, because you just never know)
12)Internet access (I would die without the internet)
13)My camera (It allows me to capture all those wonderful moments in my life)
14)Clean clothing to wear
15)Heat in the winter, and Air conditioning in the summer
16)The ability to stay home with my kids. (some days are HARD, much harder than when I worked, but I wouldn't trade this time with them for the world! I know I will never regret this time off of work.

*Most of these are things we take for granted on a daily basis. But to some, these are luxuries, and I am SO thankful for all the wonderful people and "things" in my life.*

Thursday, June 9, 2011


I started dieting last Thursday, and at my weekly weigh-in, this morning, I lost five pounds! I weighed what I did before I got pregnant with Evan. I'm very proud of myself! :) But... I still have ten pounds until I get to where I was before I got pregnant with Ally. Being hungry sucks, but losing weight is wonderful!

In other news, we finally had someone come view our condo yesterday. Our realator let us know that it is between our condo, and one other one. I'm praying that they pick ours! It's been two years that we've been selling. And we have two bedrooms, and two kids. So, it's pretty crowded around here! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this will be it for us!!!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Sweetie Pie

Today daddy had the camera!

Busy Days

Well, I haven't updated in a while, so I think it's about time! All this beautiful weather has been keeping us busy. We've been to the farmpark, swimming at the outdoor Y, and spending time with family. I've also been following the Casey Anthony trial during the kids' naps, and at night. It's a lot of footage, so that's a big reason why I haven't been updating.

I got seriously disgusted with my body the other day, and the fact that I haven't been losing weight. So I am going on a food strike. Obviously, I'm still eating, because I LOVE food... but I'm trying my best to eat as little as possible. I only have three months until the wedding, so I seriously need to get real about this. I always wanted to look my absolute best on my wedding day. So... let's hope for a skinny body! It's only been three days of dieting so far. I haven't lost any weight yet, but I'm praying that it will just start coming off and when it does, I hope it keeps coming off!!

Well, that about sums up what's been going on with me as of late. I will part with some photos that I've taken during my blogging hiatus: