Monday, July 9, 2012

When I tell someone that I'm unhappy about something, or that I'm having a bad day.... the last thing I want to hear, is that I'm sounding ungrateful, or that I need to suck it up.  It is possible to be grateful for what you have, and still feel unhappy/overwhelmed... which is exactly the case for me, at the moment.

Everyone should be allowed to complain, once in a while... and everyone should be allowed to have a bad day here or there.  Just because I know that I have a lot of good going on in my life, doesn't mean I can stop the tears from welling up in my eyes on a sad day.

It's just like when someone is sick, and someone is like "It could be worse... you could be dying of cancer."  Just because other people are dying from cancer, doesn't mean that the sick person can help feeling crappy.  A little bit of perspective helps once in a while... but it's not what a person needs when they are expressing unhappiness.  Shut up and listen to them!

(which, come to think of it, is advice I need to take when dealing with my sweet little Ally, who complains just about everything)

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Sunday Night Blahs

Just feeling crummy tonight. I know exactly why, and I know that going to bed tonight, and starting the week shall cure it all... but I still can't help but let the sad feelings overtake me. Katie is mad at me, because I didn't go out with her for her birthday last night. She just told me about her birthday plans on Wednesday. Well, Jason and I had a wedding to go to on Friday night (the night before her bash) Friday night, I drank, and stayed out late for the wedding. The temperature on Friday was about 100 degrees (seriously) and it was an outdoor wedding... when we got home at midnight, I HAD to shower... I got to bed around 1:30. The next morning, Jason's parents came over at 9:30 to drop the kids off. Ugh. Jason had the bright idea of telling me to take a vicodin. He thought it would make me not care that I was tired. It just made me more EXHAUSTED... as well as nauseous and dizzy!! I had zero napping opportunities, and felt horrible all day. By the time the kids went to bed at 9:30, the last thing that was on my mind, was going out for drinks, or even just going out. I sent Katie a text to let her know I wouldn't make it. I was honest about why, and just told her I was too worn out from the night before. I never heard back from her about it. This morning, I texted her as soon as I woke up, and sent her a message on Facebook just to let her know I was thinking of her on her birthday. She got about 45 birthday messages and "liked" all of them, except for mine. Then sent me a text that said "no worries. thnx." Okay. So, she's obviously pissed off. Why not just say something?!?! It's high school immaturity at it's finest.

 But... let's just talk about the time she completely FORGOT about my birthday. Yeah, two years ago, when she was planning her wedding, she called me two days after my birthday to tell me that she was sorry, but she'd been so busy with her wedding that she forgot. REALLY?? Because, I'm a month away from moving into a very expensive house that we're in the middle of building, while I'm trying to take care of a toddler and a preschooler... as well as trying to start my own photography business. At least I remembered your birthday!!! Please forgive me if I'm not bursting with energy, and money to spend a night out that you told me about three days prior. It's not easy to get out of the house when I have two kids to care for. I'm sure my husband would just love to give both of our kids a bath, and put them to bed by himself....  So... I'm annoyed with that at the moment.

 I'm also unhappy because Jason has been on vacation from work for the past week, and he's returning tomorrow. So... back to the grind for us.

 Also, just sick of being here. I want our home to be done. I want to be in a routine there. I want a clean shower, and a working dishwasher, and a permanent address to give people. I want to have spending money again, so I can take the kids out during the week, or be able to go out with friends again. Just over this temporary in-between crap. That is all.

 Wait. Here's a photo from the weekend. I love it, because there aren't many photos of Jason and I together, these days.